Bio-manipulations lead to uncontrollable effects and to the creation of deadly green zones. But what is war when the enemy and environment become one?
The 2020-2030s are marked by the accelerated evolution of biotechnologies. These are rapidly taking over from information technology, with widespread crossover between information technology and the use of living organisms being exploited for industrial applications.
Research has been moving at breakneck speeds over the last 30 years. Let's reflect on some of the greatest accomplishments in the fields of health and environment, which are now united under the same sector: ecomedicine.
Field of application
Prospective future deployment:
revolutionizing energy production - a little sun, some nutrients, a lot of green hydrogen
Biological technology : culture tank for unicellular hydrogen-producing algae
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Field of application
Prospective future deployment: quicker construction - no more nails, no more rivets, as easy as a building toy
Biological technology : Biological "glue" secreted by modified yeast and used to fix wooden beams in housing construction
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Field of application
Prospective future deployment: make your aspirin or antihistamine at home
Biological technology : production of bacteria, yeast and modified plants secreting pharmacologically active substances
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MMIs have continued to evolve from decade to decade. The biotech environment is marked by the development of new sensors and imagers linked to life.
Making mycelium visible has become crucial in armed conflicts.
Detecting animal populations, their routes and expansions is part of the embedded senses of the future soldier.
This view starts from a classical tactical map where layers are generated according to the needs of the mission.
The Grand Duchy of Finland has become increasingly alarming and hostile over the years. Toxic forest lakes and unstable soils make its lands increasingly uninhabitable. Sporadic invasions of gigantic hematophagous flies have been spotted on the horizon.
In vivo transmission of CRISPR-Cas9 transgenes by aerosol causes hemoglobinosis. Victims show the following symptoms: loss of manual dexterity, speech and orientation disorders, dizziness and other symptoms (cyanotic skin, vomiting, fainting). This condition can result in death.
These urban bio-guerrillas directly manipulate the living world (plants, bacteria and nervous systems).